Once that first, hard step is taken, the submission comes easily (no pun intended). After that first, almost accidental spanking and the following corner humiliation, our relationship changed drastically. Now Janet knew She could punish me and we both enjoyed it, although i sure didn't about three strokes into my spanking.
Most Women never realize the power they have over men; we truly are 'slaves to our dicks'. We will put up with almost anything for the tiniest hope of sexual satisfaction. That is why enforced chastity works so well in training the male. The Woman decides when, how and if sex takes place. That is the ultimate power.
Janet knew this and She loved being the one in control. After my first spanking and corner time (Her musky panties in my mouth, red bottom exposed and a very obvious erection), She marched me upstairs to the guest room by my ear, stripped me completely, and tied me to the single bed with old pantie hose- on my back, feet tied together then tied to the footboard, arms spread and tied loosely to the side of the bed frame. i could move, but not much, and i certainly couldn't touch my throbbing cock! She put Her panties over my head, teased my quivering cock with Her fingers and tongue, then covered me with a blanket, turned off the light, and left me there until morning! I spent the whole night lying there in frustration, breathing in Her musk, with my sore bottom throbbing. i had never felt so humble (or horny). i certainly knew my place now.
In the morning, i woke to find Her smiling down at me with satisfaction. She removed the pantie-mask, wrapped it around my cock and teased me mockingly. She told me that my role from the on was to please Her in whatever way She wanted- i was Her servant, Her ladies maid, She was the Mistress. i willingly agreed - i would have said anything. She slid a pillow under my head, lifted up Her nightie, straddled my face and rode my eager tongue to a couple of shuddering wet climaxes. The pact was sealed.
As a further humiliation, i spent the rest of the day dressed only in a pair of Her old panties cleaning the house. It was very humbling - i jumped a mile every time the phone rang, and hid in the bathroom when someone came to the door. i was terrified someone would see me in panties! ( i guess because to a male, wearing feminine clothing is a very strong symbol of submissive status)
Now that Janet knew i was so embarrassed wearing panties, it gave Her another hold on me. She told me how cute i looked and teasingly suggested She would invite the ladies from my work to see me in panties. i was horrified, and begged Her not to do it. She told me i was safe as long as i pleased Her in any way She wished. i thankfully agreed, and impulsively fell to my knees and kissed Her feet. This pleased Her. She smiled and stroked my hair, then turned, lifted Her skirt and ordered me to kiss Her bottom. "Thoroughly and passionately," She said, and i did with a wonderful feeling of submission and love. She grabbed my long hair and forced my mouth hard against Her gorgeous bottom as i kissed and licked Her satin panties. She told me i was Her 'good girl' and that i was going to be an excellent little maid once She had me trained.
After several minute of worship, She made me kneel on the padded leather ottoman with my hands clasped behind my head. She went into the kitchen and returned with a long wooden spoon. 'Now I'm going to teach you to appreciate the privilege of wearing panties', She said, pinching my very obvious erection through the pink nylon of my panties. She stood beside me and proceeded to paddle me on the seat of my panties until i was moaning and shifting from side to side. 'Hurts does it, sweetie,' She mocked, then gave me several more hard swats, then stroked my bottom through my panties, commenting on how warm my ass was getting. She then pulled down the back of my panties, tapped my cringing bottom with the spoon, and started to spank me again. It hurt even more with panties down, and i was very soon crying and begging Her to stop. "Didn't I tell you wearing panties was a privilege?' She said, paddling me harder. 'Go on, beg me to let you wear panties.' i begged between sobs. 'Tell me that I own you, tell me that you will be my good 'girl'. Humiliated, i agreed. She gave me six more hard strokes on the bare ( i had to count aloud), then let me pull up my panties for the last part of my training.
She stood in front of me, opened Her blouse, and folded Her bra down, exposing Her hardened nipples. Her face was flushed and Her voice husky as She told me to flick Her nipples with just the tip of my tongue. With one hand in my hair She controlled my head, with the other She reached round and smacked my pantied bottom with the spoon as i eagerly licked Her nipples. She was right, it didn't hurt nearly as much on my panties- wearing panties was a privilege.
She led me to the couch, laid me down on my back, stripped to Her bra and panties and mounted me. Forcing Her legs between mine, She ground Her pantied mound hard against my bulging pink panties and kissed me deeply. My legs involuntarily wrapped around Her . " I do own you, don't I?", She murmured, looking down at my flushed, teary face. I could only nod. She did.