The next day was a work day. After all my housework had been completed to J's satisfaction, i was put to bed early in the spare bedroom. Again tied to the bed, again masked in Her very musky panties.
She woke me early, kissed me and told me how pleased my submission made Her. i knelt and thanked Her again for teaching me so well. Dutifully, i cooked Her breakfast then cleaned up the dishes. i was just getting ready to leave for work, when She told me that i was to have a little reminder before i left. J. ordered me to take off my jeans and underwear, bent me over the counter, and gave me a quick but very vigorous spanking with the wooden spoon. It didn't take much to make my still sore bottom even more sore and i was soon doing a little dance over that counter.
As a token of obedience and as a constant reminder of my place, She made me put on my 'training panties' and an old pair of control-top pantie hose under my work clothes. This sure worked! The double layer seemed to retain the heat of my spanking for hours, and i was constantly reminded of my place by the humiliatingly feminine feel of the tight hose and lingerie on my skin. In addition, i was terrified someone would notice somehow.
i didn't sit down for long that day, either. Even sitting down to pee on the toilet with my panties around my knees was a reminder of my new 'status'. At lunch time, She phoned me and asked me how 'my poor smacked bottom felt in those tight little panties.' i was so embarrassed that i could feel my face glowing. Then She told me in detail what was in store for me when i got home. You could have grilled hamburgers on my cheeks!
Luckily, i was alone in the office because i was also as hard as a rock inside those pink panties. i shuffled into the washroom and splashed cold water on my face. i spent the afternoon in an agony of anticipation, as i'm sure She intended. By the time i got home, i was in quite a state- very excited and very scared at the same time. This relationship was progressing very fast, spinning out of my control. Which, of course, was the whole point, although i was barely aware of it.
J was the sexiest, most exciting Woman i had ever had the privilege of knowing and i would do anything to please Her and She knew it. i arrived home before Her and quickly showered and shaved as per Her phone call. i struggled into my panties and pantie hose again and waited for Her in the lounge, kneeling in the corner by the fireplace. i was literally shaking in anticipation and, perversely, semi-erect.
After what seemed like an hour, i heard Her car door slam and the front door open. Her heels clicked slowly across the hardwood floor and stopped. i could sense Her presence and smell the sweetness of Her scent as She stood behind me, inspecting me. Silently, She gathered my long hair into a ponytail and tied it back with a scarf, then, using it as a handle dragged me on my knees across the floor to the long brown leather couch. She sat down, crossed Her legs then offered me Her foot to kiss. i did so lovingly, i regarded it as a privilege.
She looked wonderful in Her dark, no-nonsense business suit and white silk blouse. Smiling, She opened the shopping bag She'd placed on the couch and showed me the oval wooden hair brush She'd told me She was going to buy for me (with my money!). "Do you like it?", She mocked. i stammered some reply; my mouth had gone dry and my legs felt like rubber. 'you look so cute in panties, and I'm sure this will be an excellent pantie-warmer. Shall we try it out?'

She stood up, slowly removed Her jacket and bracelets, sat down and ordered me across Her lap. She stroked my upturned bottom- Her hand felt so soft and warm through the nylon. She placed one of my arms between Her bottom and the back of the couch and firmly bent the other up into the small of my back, Her long nails digging into my wrist. The spanking began- slow, hard and deliberate. This wasn't so bad, i thought. The double layer of panties and pantie hose dulled the impact and the long pauses between smacks gave me time to recover. Then She rolled the pantie hose down, and began beating my panties harder and faster. This hurt! Especially when She hit the spots the spoon had bruised that morning.
Soon i was bucking and squirming across Her knee, which was just what She wanted. 'Do you like my pantie-warmer? Feeling macho now?' She teased. i had never felt less macho, but it felt so right lying there across Her lap. The spanking continued, now slow and hard, now fast and furious. There was no rhythm or pattern. No set number of strokes to endure. My legs were kicking involuntarily and, despite my best efforts, each smack forced a squeal or moan from me. i was losing what little control i had.
Then She lowered my panties! i heard myself begging Her to stop, that i would do anything She wanted, that i would be Her slave. She said, ' you already are my slave! Now raise your bottom high and ask me nicely to spank you.' i did in a shaky voice and She spanked me until i lay there still and submissive across Her lap, raising my bottom obediently for each stroke, sobbing loudly and unashamedly, tears flowing freely.
She was right, Her will was stronger than mine. i was Her slave. With shaking hands, a tear-stained face and an incredibly sore bottom, i cooked Her dinner and served Her. Then i cleaned up, and spent the rest of the evening kneeling in the corner with the hair brush shoved down the back of my panties. She calmly read magazines, sipped tea and phoned a friend as if nothing unusual had happened. i spent the night curled up under a blanket on the floor at the foot of Her bed, chaste and obedient.
After my first hair brushing and cold, lonely night on the floor of J's bedroom i realized that this was my true destiny. i belonged to J, to do with as She wished. i truly wanted and needed to be the submissive partner. In the morning, i made Her breakfast and got ready for work, wearing my panties and pantie hose without being told. This pleased Her, and She stroked my sore bottom through my panties as She kissed me goodbye.
i spent another anxious day at work, still terrified someone would be able to spot my feminine clothing somehow. But now i was almost enjoying the symbolic slavery; the constant reminder of silky nylon against my shaved legs and sore, marked bottom. J. phoned me at lunch to tell me how much She had enjoyed pulling my panties down and thrashing my bottom. i blushed madly, and one of the secretaries teased me about it all afternoon. If only she knew!
i hurried home that evening and was making dinner when J returned , carrying another shopping bag. 'you make such a good little wife!', She teased, standing behind me at the sink caressing my butt. Her hands felt so good, and i arched my neck back as She kissed my neck. She slipped Her hands inside my shirt and pinched my hardening little nipples as She pressed Her groin hard into my bottom, pushing me against the counter. Her stockinged leg forced my legs to part and She whispered into my ear 'Bend for me.' i felt as if i was melting, i could only obey.
She grasped my hipbones and started to pump me from behind, slowly and gently at first then faster and fiercely. i could feel Her heat of Her passion right through Her skirt and my jeans. i pushed back eagerly, wiggling my bottom sluttishly- this felt so amazing. She was symbolically taking me from behind right here in the kitchen and it felt SO right! The blood was roaring in my ears and i could hardly stand when She finally released me. 'Good girl' She said.
i couldn't look Her in the eye but She tilted my chin up with Her gentle fingers and kissed me softly. 'I've got something for you', She said, handing me the shopping bag. My fingers trembled as i took it and looked at the pretty lingerie inside. 'No, i can't,' i said in horror. Panties were bad enough, but i was terrified of the femininity in the bag. 'You can and you will', She snapped. 'Don't you think your mates at work would be interested to hear how I dress you in panties and put you over my knee? Now go and get changed and serve my dinner!'
i knew i had no choice and slowly started up the stairs. 'Oh, and bring me down the hairbrush, too. I will NOT tolerate disobedience.' i slowly and clumsily changed into the matching soft pink lingerie in the bag, struggling with the bra and garter belt. i felt SO foolish but it did feel wonderful against my skin as i slid the slip over my head and smoothed it down over my slim body. Mmmm, it did feel so sexy. i primped in the mirror, brushed my long, soft hair until it shone in the evening light, then gently kissed the back of that innocent-looking, ladylike hair brush. i had delayed as long as i could- trembling, i carried that fearsome hair brush downstairs to where my Lady waited. i had taken another big, irrevocable step.